Now, I can't necessarily recommend this weblog unequivocally, but it seems good. I found it by clicking on my favorite book in my profile, and there was only one other user who had A Shropshire Lad, by A.E. Housman, listed. Someone who reads my favorite poet is all right with me. Anyhow, you should check out I especially recommend his June entries (the only ones I've read so far). My thoughts exactly, on his intro message. (I too had written of "blogs" as a timewaster for fourteen-year-old girls, and am now "blogging" for the purpose of writing.)
Scraps: the Sehr Gut Weblog

Some journaling, some articles and reviews of movies and music. Scraps and ephemera, miscellany, shreds of misplaced thought. This is much easier to maintain than the Sehr Gut Web main page, and is consequently updated much more frequently. Besides that, I always meant to keep a journal . . .
About Me
- Name: Sehrgut
- Location: Pensacola, Florida, United States
I am an inveterate writer, and so am becoming an inveterate weblogger as well. Supported weblogs are Scraps, The Random Quill, Tome, Academic Musings, Ergle Street, and Harbour in the Scramble. I also have a personal, unlisted weblog. If you find it, comment to it. I'll email you something. I don't know. I'll think of something interesting. “21 Steps to Becoming a Democrat”, maybe. By the way, I can be reached from the email portal on my web site. Technorati Profile
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