Scraps: the Sehr Gut Weblog

Avatar: Foggyclad the Marshwiggle

Some journaling, some articles and reviews of movies and music. Scraps and ephemera, miscellany, shreds of misplaced thought. This is much easier to maintain than the Sehr Gut Web main page, and is consequently updated much more frequently. Besides that, I always meant to keep a journal . . .

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Location: Pensacola, Florida, United States

I am an inveterate writer, and so am becoming an inveterate weblogger as well. Supported weblogs are Scraps, The Random Quill, Tome, Academic Musings, Ergle Street, and Harbour in the Scramble. I also have a personal, unlisted weblog. If you find it, comment to it. I'll email you something. I don't know. I'll think of something interesting. “21 Steps to Becoming a Democrat”, maybe. By the way, I can be reached from the email portal on my web site. Technorati Profile


   Now, I can’t say I would recommend the weblog this came from as a general rule, but the irony of someone as liberal as the author making this suggestion just kills me. (I’m not going to provide a link, since many of the other posts are downright foul.)

Mothers let their wild little beasts roam free like giraffes on the Serengeti. They apparently believe that to control them will somehow stunt the growth of their self-esteem. In the radiology waiting room, there was one wild little beast, age approx. three who kept licking his mother's arm and laughing like Hannibal Lechter until she said, “Stop it, go away”, at which point he crawled over to me and started licking MY flip-flopped feet. I had a feeling that I couldn't gently kick him to get him to stop, so I just glared at the mother. She gave me a sheepish look like, “Well, what can you do, haha.” What can you do? Oh I don't know, you could yank your little [brat] up off the ground and edu-ma-cate him a little with the ol’ spankin’ hand. Conclusion: Parents today are . . . wimps that want to be “pals” with their kids instead of parents.

   An “edumacation” devoutly to be wished, in the case of many wild little beasts, no? “Spare the rod and spile the chile,” is some down-home wisdom which could make many parents better wild animal trainers — which our society has thrust aside to its own undoing.
   You know, that brat is going to grow up to be shocked when the world does not cater to him as does his misguided mother. How much better would it be for him to grow up strong and self-controlled than pampered? And as far as a healthy relationship goes, I know that well-disciplined children are much closer to their parents than free-roaming Serengeti wildlings. One British woman who had never much disciplined her children, soon after beginning a systematic, fair, and predictable order of discipline, was told by her now under-control and loving son, “Mummy? You do a very good job being a mummy.” (No Greater Joy, Jul/Aug 2004, pg. 20)
   It’s certainly not for no reason the Bible says, “He that spareth the rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes.” (Proverbs 13:25)

Crosspost: Scraps, Harbour in the Scramble, Academic Musings


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